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  5. Preset


renderStacks supports the preset system for most pmodifiers with custom object or properties. Preset saves the object/property and the value pairs and allow you to reload when you need.

  • All preset data will be saved as a name based data. Make sure not to have a duplicated name among objects!
  • When you load preset, the existing value for the property or object will be updated. If the objects or property in the preset doesn’t texts, they will be added automatically.

By default, you would use “User” location for your  own preset.renderStacks use user settings folder for 3dsMax 2020+, usually C:\Users\[username]\Autodesk\3ds Max 2021\User Settings. For lower version, renderStack will use plugcfg folder, “C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2019 – 64bit\ENU\en-US\plugcfg”. The filename is “rsPreset.xml“.

You can control the location with “rsUserPresetPath” environment variable.

renderStacks also allow users to have 3 other centralized preset location using environment variable. You can set custom name for location, too.

  • rsPresetFilePath1
  • rsPresetFilePath2
  • rsPresetFilePath3

Check here for more details about controlling path with environment variables.

Overall workflow for preset is exactly same as all other sets, and it also utilize Set Editor for removing and renaming presets.

You can only delete and rename user preset. You can not delete or rename centralized preset.

How to make a preset

  1. Select objects or property to store in preset.  If you don’t select anything, you will get a popup.
  2. Type a preset name in the dropdown.

How to load preset

  1. Open dropdownlist
  2. Pick a preset. So easy!

How to delete user preset

  1. Click Set Editor button.
  2. Choose preset to delete.
  3. Press “Delete Preset” button

How to delete user preset

  1. Click Set Editor button.
  2. Choose preset to rename.
  3. Type new name.
  4. Press “Rename Preset” button