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renderStacks 3.41

renderStacks 3.41 has been released.

  • New Capture Viewport Selected Obj Values. This updates the value of items of the selected objects in the viewport
  • New – Multi node rename. In the past, you can only rename a node when only single node is selected. Now it will popup rename dialog for each node if multiple nodes are selected.
  • Fixed – Added USD for 3dsMax installation check
  • Fixed – Select the Selected Items in the Scene now select object correctly.
  • Fixed – MultiValue Editor Get Material was crashing

renderStacks 3.35

renderStacks 3.35 has been released.

  • Fixed – “Capture from scene” function in the right click menu has been revisited. Exposure and MtlMapParams now works correctly.
  • Fixed – When duplicate pass, modifiers were swapped between the sources and the copy..
  • Fixed – if a modifier name had dot or space, ManyObjectParam failed to get value.
  • Fixed – occasional Non-Commercial msg even tho it is licensed.

renderStacks pricing change

It has been almost 4 years since renderStacks was released, and the pricing hasn’t been changed.
We were trying to update the pricing last year. But, billing system was not ready.
Finally, we are ready to update the pricing in mid-May. This is the new pricing.

_ Current New
Subscription 1 user 59.99 65.00
Subscription 2 user 109.99 120.00
Subscription 3 user 159.99 175.00
Subscription 6 user 299.99 325.00
Subscription 8 use 399.99 435.00
Subscription 10 user 499.99 540.00
Subscription 30 user 1299.99 1400.00
Subscription site license 1999.99 2100.00
Perpetual Mainternance 20 25

For existing users, the pricing will be updated automatically from the next renewal.
Also, we are removing the perpetual license. No one have bought the perpetual license for years. If you current have a perpetual license, you can sill buy the maintenance.

If you want the current pricing or the perpetual license, please buy before the change.


renderStacks 3.16

renderStacks 3.16 has been released.

  • New -Multi Visibility pmodifier mode.
    In the video, “onBase” pass group has “base” Visibility set with base cylinder. Then, “etc” and “TubeTeapot” had Visibility sets with corresponding layers.
  • Improved – Treeview drawing performance improvement – 174 passes setup took 5.7s to start renderStacks. Now it takes less than a second.
  • Fixed – Mergepass was crashing when passgroup is used.
  • Fixed – When the read-only property was used, rednerStack was crashing.

renderStacks 2.91

renderStacks 2.91 has been released.

  • New PhoenixSim pmodifier with comprehensive Deadline support.
  • New – New – rsPrvRender Environment Map override. It is On override to temporarily turn on Environment Map while previewing.
  • New <SceneName_no_ver2> token which removes 2 characters in front of digits.
  • Improved – Skip Existing Images support for RenderCommon pmodifier.
  • Fixed – ObjSet editor resize issue
  • Fixed – This Dotnet runtime error should have been fixed.

renderStacks 2.77

renderStacks 2.77 has been released.

!!! If you are using a non-commercial version. 2.77 probably have been expired. Please download 2.78 again.

2.77 – 5/25/2023

  • New – Controller support for ObjParams/ManyObjectParams
  • New – All On, All off support for atmospherics/RenderElement/RenderEffects
  • Improved – When Visibility doesn’t have any set assigned. It would hide all objects since nothing has been selected to be visible. It could be annoying when you made a new Visibility pmod. Now, if no selection method is assigned(for example, you set to a layer set but have not chosen any layer set), Visibility pmod wouldn’t do anything.
  • Improved – Overscan is disabled for xref camera. It would not crash.
  • Fixed – RenderEffects was broken.
  • Fixed – disabled base ManyObjectParams was still actived.
  • Fixed –  ObjSet editor was busted. Fixed everything.