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  5. Pmodifier with custom prop & object / Multi Value Edit

Pmodifier with custom prop & object / Multi Value Edit

Some pmodifiers have a set of pre-defined properties to set. But, the most pmodifiers are just blank slate. You must choose what to control for these pmodifiers. When you add these modifiers first time, you will see “Rightclick here to add Property(or Objects)

This is the list of pmodifiers you need to define property or objects.

How to add properties or objects to control

  1. Right click the property/object list. If you have not add anything yet, rightclick the caption “Rightclick here to add Property(Object)”
  2. Click “Add/Edit”. You will see Property/Object Editor
  3. On the right, you will see all available property of object names. Select what you and press [<] button.
    You can also add one item with double click. The item will move to the left Selected panel.
    If your list is too long, type search word in “Search” textbox, the list will be filtered with your search word.
    !!! Left “Selected” section is kinds of a shopping cart for the properties to add. It would not show already added properties.
  4. Press “Set” to add.

How to add custom object from scene selection

  1. Right click the list.
  2. Click “Add Selected Objs from the Scene”

How to select the selected items in the list in the scene

  1. Right click the list.
  2. Click “Select the selected items in the Scene”

To remove from the list

  1. Select properties/objects from the list.
  2. Right click the list.
  3. Select “Remove Selected”.
    Right click menu has 3 helper command for selection
    Select All, Select None, Invert Selection
  4. If you want to remove everything, click Clear.

How to update pmodifier value

  • If the value of added properties are is number, true/false, color or dropdown, you can set value directly in the list. For number value, double click the number cell to edit. renderStacks don’t have spinner yet.
  • You can also change value in the scene. Then, use right click “Capture .. from Scene” command.
  • Capture All Item Values from Scene – Update values of all items from the scene.
  • Capture Selected Item Values from Scene – Update value of the only selected items in the list from the scene.
  • Capture Viewport Selected Obj Values – Updates the value of items of the selected objects in the viewport

Map/Material Value Popup Menu

If a property value is map prmaterial, the property will be displayed in a button. If you press the button to set a new value, you will see this popup dialog. If you want edit a material or map hat used in pmodifier. Please use this menu to get a material or map to edit. Just because the name is same, it doesn’t mean that is the material or map you want/need.

  • Open Map Browser
    It will open 3dsMax’s Material/Map Browser. Choose a new map/material or from the scene or slots.
  • Get from selected node in Slate ME
    Select a map/material in Slate ME. The, you can get the material/map by pressing this button.
  • Get from selected node in Classic ME
    Select a map/material in Classic ME. The, you can get the material/map by pressing this button.
  • Put into Slate ME new tab
    Put the current material/map into Slate ME. A new view tab will be created with material/map name.
  • Put into Classic ME new active slot
    Put the current material/map into Classic ME active slot.
  • Select objects that has this material
    New in 1.06. Select objects by this material. If you want to capture all objects with same material at once, this would be useful.
  • Clear
    Clear material/map from the value. It is same as set as undefined.

Multi Value Edit

If you want to change the value of any items at once, you can use “Multi Value Edit” command from right click menu.

This will bring up Multi value Edit dialog. You must select same type of values. If you have selected different types of values like boolean and float. You will get error message.

As of now, integer, float. boolean, color, material values are supported for multi value edit.

If the the type of value is boolean, you will just get a simple checkbox. it is a boolean value. Your choice is either true or false.

But, if the type of value is float/integer. You have more choices.

  • = (Absolute value) – set propertied value as input. If you input 10.0, the value will be set to 10.0
  • + (add) – the input number will be added to the current value. If the current value was 7.0 and the input value is -2.0, the value will be set to 5.0
  • x(multiply) –  the current value will be multiplied by the input number. If the current value was 10.0 and the input value is 0.9, the value will be set to 9.0.

If the the type of value is Color,you will see a color swatch.

If the type of value is a material, you will see a material button. clicking the button will bring Map/Material Value Popup Menu.

After input your value, press “Set” button to apply the value. If your “Instant scene update when pmodifier value changed” option is on in the Preference, you will see the change in the scene immediately.

If you turn off the option and want to make sure to see the result, press “Set & Active” button. Or pressing the pass title button at the top of parameter editor will activate the pass.