Treeview Common UI interaction
- You can select multiple items by holding CTRL or SHIFT.
- Almost all actions could be done for multiple selected nodes.
- You can only select multiple nodes if all node type you are selecting such as pass, passgroup, pmodifier are same.
- You can drag and drop to reorder nodes
- Double click pass/passgroup will expand and collapse the branch.
- Expand/Collapse status will be saved in the scene file
- Double click pmodifier will allow you to rename the pmodifier
- If you hold CTRL while drag-and-droping pmodifier, the pmodifier will be copied.
- If you hold SHIFT while drag-and-droping pmodifier, the pmodifier will be instanced.
- Pressing Home will move all selected nodes to the top of the level.
- Pressing End will move all selected nodes to the bottom of the level.
Treeview Navigation
- Up/Down arrow key allow you move up/down at same level.
If the current node is the top node at the level, pressing Up arrow will move to the parent of the top node.
If the current node is the bottom node at the level, pressing Down arrow will move to the next child of the bottom node. - Left/Right arrow will expand/collapse the node if the node has children.
- CTRL + Left/Right arrow will expand/collapse all node at a level.
If you don’t have any passgroups, CTRL+Right arrow will expand all passes and CTRL+Left arrow will collapse all passes.
if you have passgroup, pressing CTRL+Right arrow will expand all passgroups. But, each pass will be still collapsed. pressing CTRL+Right arrow one more time will expand all passes.
Working with Passes
- You can not have duplicated name pass
- Case-insensitive. You can not make bty if there is Bty
- By default, only alphanumeric character and _ and – are allowed. You can set own filter with maxscript.
- Internally a pass has full name which combines the pass name and pass group name if it has one. For example,the pass full name of “Bty” pass under “Tree” passgroup is “Tree/Pass”.
How to add pass
Click Add Pass button or press “A” when the treeview is activated.
- Type pass name in the Make new pass dialog.
- You can make multiple passes at once using comma as separators.
- You can use the range expression, <Prefix>[start-end], to generate multiple passes with range. For example…
Shot_[007-9] will make Shot_007, Shot_008, Shot_009.
As you noticed, the bigger number padding will be used for all names. - If passes were selected, the newly added pass will be inserted after the lase selected pass.
- If passes in passgroups or passgroups were selected, passes will be added into each passgroup.
- If a same name pass exists already, the newly added pass will be automatically renamed by adding 3 digit suffix or updating 3 digit suffix to random number.
For example, “Bty” will become “Bty056”. If you already have “Bty022” and add “Bty056”, it will become “Bty079”
How to duplicate passes
Select the passes you want to duplicate.
- Click Duplicate Node button or Press “D.
- The pass will be duplicated with and its pmodifiers.
- Duplicated pass will have 3 digit suffix to prevent a duplicated pass name. renderStacks doesn’t allow to have duplicated pass full name.
- If you hold SHIFT while duplicating pass, all pmodifier in the duplicated pass will be instanced.
How to duplicate pass with pass title button
- If you have selected only one pass, you can duplicate the pass by pressing pass title button while holding CTRL at the top of the Pass modify panel.
- If you hold SHIFT while pressing the pass title button, all pmodifier in the duplicated pass will be instanced.
How to instance passes
You can have instanced passes if they are under different parents(Different passgroup or passgroup/root). Please read here for details.
- Holding SHIFT while drag and drop pass into other root will make instanced passes.
- Holding SHIFT while pasting copied passes will make instanced passes.
How to re-order passes
- Drag and drop into other pass node
- If you drag and drop to a passgroup, it will move the passes into the pass group.
How to rename a pass
Click Rename pass/passgroup button or Press “R”.
- Type new name in the dialog
- If the new pass name is already exists, it will automatically get a random 3 digit number as suffix.
- You can not rename base depot, “::base”. That’s not even a pass!
- You can also rename from Note rollout
How to delete passes
Select passes.
- Click Delete Node button or press “Del”.
- A confirmation dialog will pop up. Click Yes.
How to color pass or passgroup
Select passes.
- Use hotkey 1-9. (1 is the default text color)
Or, right click menu > Color Pass(group)
How to deinstanc(Make Unique) passes
Since 2.0, you can have instanced passes in passgroups. When you deinstance them, there is 3 way to make instanced pass unique
- Select passes.
- Click Deinstance Node button or press”Q”
- Make Unique | Q
allow to make unique each passes and pmodifiers.
- Make Unique (Keep ins among sel) | SHIFT+Q
Holding SHIFT while deinstancing allow to deinstance selected passes while keeping instance among the. In the following image, all AliceBlue were instanced before. Now only selected 2 passes are instanced.
- Make Unique (Keep pmod as ins ) | ALT+Q
Holding SHIFT while deinstancing allow to deinstance selected passes while keeping pmodifiers as instances. In the following image, 2 selected passes are deinstanced. But, pmodifiers are still instanced all together.
How to manage passes with drag-and-drop
- Select passes.
- Drag and drop to reorder or move passes from a passgroup to another passgroup
- CTRL+Drag and drop will copy passes to other passgroup or duplicate in the same passgroup.
- SHIFT+Drag and drop will instance passes to other passgroup .
You can not have same instanced passes in the same passgroup .
Working with Pmodifiers
How to add pmodifiers – Tab menu
When you are in the treeview, press Tab to open Add Pmodifier dialog.
To add a pass, you need to select pass or pmodifier.
If you select multiple pass, pmodifiers will be added to all selected passes.- Type search word to filter pmodifier types. As you start to type search word. You will see the search word what you have type and the pmodifier list will be updated.
- Press Enter or double click the pmodifier you want to add.
- If you want to add multiple pmodifier types at once, select them while holding CTRL and SHIFT keys
- Then, press the Enter.
- To close the dialog, press ESC or click “X” button at the top right corner.
- Some pmodifier requires subname like ObjParams and ManyObjParams. For that kind of pmodifier, you must defined subname. After you created a subnamed pmodifier, the subnamed pmodifier will appear in the pmodifier list just like any other pmodifiers.
How to add pmodifier – right click menu
- Pmodifier also can be added via right-click menu of treeview.
- Since there is no UI for subname in the right-click menu. You can not make pmodifier which requires subname.
How to duplicate pmodifiers
Select the passes you want to duplicate.
- Click Duplicate Node button or Press “D.
- When a node is duplicated , it will automatically get a random 3 digit number as suffix.
- You can use this to localize base pmodifier for the selected pass.
How to rename pmodifier
Double-click pmodifier in the treeview.
- Rename and press Enter.
- You can also rename from Note rollout
- You can not rename base pmodifier name
- From 1.243, now you can use hotkey, button or right click menu to rename a pmodifier using Rename dialog.
How to delete pmodifiers
Select pmodifiers
- Click Delete Node button or press “Del”.
- A confirmation dialog will pop up. Click Yes.
- If you delete any base pmodifier, you will see this warning/confirmation.
Basically you can not have a type of pmodifier without having the base pmodifier for the type. If you delete base pmodifier, you must delete all pmodifier of the type. If you choose Yes, all pmodifiera of the type will be deleted.
How to copy/paste pmodifier
- Select pmodifiers.
- Click Copy Modifiers button or CTRL+C.
- Select target passes.
- Click Paste Modifiers button or CTRL+V.
If you want to paste pmodifiers as instance, press SHIFT while paste.
How to deinstance pmodifier
Select pmodifiers.
- Click Deinstance pmodifiers button or press “Q”
- If you deinstance base pmodifier in a pass, it will make a copy of local pmodifier. It is same as duplicating the pmodifier.
- From 2.0, now you can deinstance while keeping instances among selected profiteers. In the following image, you can see selected 2 pmodifiers are deinstanced as Environment_002 while keeping instance among 2.
SHIFT+Q or press SHIFT while pressing Deinstance button.
How to manage pmodifier with drag-and-drop
- Select pmodifiers.
- Drag and drop to reorder or move pmodifiers from a pass to another pass
- CTRL+Drag and drop will copy pmodifiers to other pass or duplicate in the same pass.
- SHIFT+Drag and drop will instance pmodifiers to other pass.
You can not have same instanced pmodifier in the same pass.
- You can drag and drop into other pmodifier or pass.
- You can not drag and drop into ::base depot.
- If you have selected only one pmodifier and hold ALT while drag-and-droping, the pmodifier will replace the target pmodifier if two modifier’s type is same.
Working with passgroup
How to group passes
Select passes
- Press group passes button or “G”.
- Name dialog will popup. Input passgroup name.
- Press Enter.
- Same naming rule as pass
- If a same name passgroup exists already, the newly added passgroup will be automatically renamed by adding 3 digit suffix or updating 3 digit suffix to random number.
How to add new pass to a passgroup
- Select passgroup.
- Press “Add new pass” button.
- Name the new pass.
- Press “Make new pass”
- New passes will be added under selected passgroups.
How to ungroup passgroups
- Select passgroups
- Press “Ungroup passgroup” button
- Or, you can use “Delete Node” button, too.From 2.0, when you ungroup a passgroup., renderStacks will ask you what to do with its pmodifiers. To get the same render, you need to say Yes and keep those pmodifiers in each passes.
For example, this is before ungroup.
This is after. You can see the Environment_001 and Exposure_001 are moved to all children passes as instances.
How to delete passgroups and all their children passes
- Select passgroups
- Press SHIFT+Del
Press SHIFT+Delete Node button
Rightclick menu > Delete Passgrou Tree
How to duplicate passgroup
There is 3 way to duplicate a passgroup.
- Select passgroups
- Press “Duplicate Node” button or “D” or rightclick menu > Duplicate Passgroup | D duplicates pass and pmodifiers as own copy.
- Duplicate Passgroup (Instance pass) | SHIFT+D
Pressing SHIFT while duplicating passgroup will duplicate passgroup while all passes are instanced. Remember instanced node is in bold.
- Duplicate Passgroup (Instance pmod) | ALT+D
Pressisng ALT while duplicating passgroup while only all pmodifiers are instanced. The pass itself will be unique.