The Pass Filter lets you display only specific passes based on the applied filter.
- By default, it will perform string match using the pass’s full name, which is formatted as `<pass group name/pass name>`. For instance, if the pass “city_blue_both” belongs to “Camera001,” the full pass name would be “Camera001/city_blue_both“.
- This means that if the filter matches a pass group name, all passes within that group will be displayed.
- Press Enter to apply the filter.
- If no passes within a group match the filter, the pass group won’t be displayed.
- You can use the [x] button to clear the filter.
- The filter setup wi;; saved per scene and will be applied again when renderStacks restarts.
c/ – color filter
If the filter begins with “c/“, a dropdown will appear displaying a list of colors. Selecting a color will show only the passes with that color.
The /c color filter applies only to passes; the color of the pass group will not be considered.
s/ – Pass Set Filter
Similar to /c, if the filter string begins with “s/”, a dropdown will appear displaying a list of pass sets. Selecting a ass set will show only the passes in the pass set.
You can just open the dropdown and see all the history.
Select Visible Pass
Pressing “Pass Filter” button will select all visible passes.