If you got a .mzp file, just drag and drop into a viewport.
If you got a .zip file, unzip and find a .mzp file. Them, drag and drop the .mzp file into a viewport.
Installer window will pop up.
Press “Accept”. Then, the “INSTALL” button will become active.
Choose where to install. You can install as application plugin package or in the user script folder.
You can make button, shortcut and etc from Customize Interface.
Look for “RenderStacks” category.
Application Plugin Package vs User Scripts Folder
The Application Plugin Package is a modern approach to deploying plugins. By default, it is located in the C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins folder. Alternatively, you can specify your own directory by setting the ADSK_APPLICATION_PLUGINS environment variable. For more details, refer to this post.
If you opt for the User Scripts folder, the files will be copied there (typically located within the ENU folder), and macro script files will be generated. This means the installation will be limited to a single 3ds Max version. To use RenderStacks across multiple versions of 3ds Max, you’ll need to repeat the installation process for each version.
If you already have RenderStacks installed, the installer will handle any existing files when you switch to using Application Packages. However, it’s a good idea to double-check and ensure that all old files are properly cleaned up.