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renderStacks 1.243

renderStacks 1.243 has been released with 3dsMax 2022 support.

In the latest update to renderstacks, we were extremely excited to collaborate with the Blizzard Animation team at Blizzard Entertainment to develop the Tractor pmodifier that is now available for all renderStacks users.

Here is the list of new features. As always, all new features are driven by user request. For the detailed change log, please check the Change Log.

  • Tractor (Pixar’s network rendering solution) support
  • Now you can color pass(group) using right click menu or 1-9 short cut.
  • Search obj/prop name in the pmodifier list.
  • SHIFT support for multi selection for Layerset editor.
  • Single level expand/collapse.
    Holding SHIFT while expand/collapse limits the action for only one level. For example, if you have not expanded all pass groups, SHIFT+E will expand only groups and keep pmodifier collapsed.
  • A few more functions are added to the layerset editor right click menu
  • Preference > Network Submission Temp .msx File
    Now RoyalRender users can define their own temp .max file path for submission.

renderStacks 1.231

I’m sorry for the late announcement. renderStacks had been updated to 1.231 on 2/18/2021. It you have downloaded after 2/18,you probably already have 1.231. Also if you are have a commercial license, you already have gotten email. If you use NC version and are using older version, please download again.

  • RenderOutputVRay – file was not saved when “Separate Channels” option was used. It is fixed.
  • Some user reported right click menu is not working. This is fixed.

renderStacks 1.229

Apparently a lot of users are confused about the new RenderOutputVRay in renderStacks 1.222. To prevent the confusion. We added explicit “V-Ray saw image file” checkbox so you can turn off V-Ray raw image file output when you don’t use multi channel exr.

Also the documentation has been updated for RenderOutputVRay. Please read the documentation!

Also there is another changes. Please check Change Log for details and other changes.



renderStacks 1.222

renderStacks 1.222 has been release with many user requested features, improvement and fixes include…

  • RenderOutputVRay pmod
  • rsUserPreSubmitFn
  • Custom BackBurner IP/Name option in Preference
  • Pass group will have prefix {g} in the treeview
  • Sort Pass by alphabetically in right click menu
  • Camera select button in Camera pmodifier
  • Open in Built-In Image Viewer after multi preview
  • Added add selection from SE for layer type in LightOn and Material
  • rsRenamer – Right click menu for preview list

For detailed list, please read change log.

renderStacks 1.108

renderStacks has been updated to 1.108

This release is the productivity update. As our user based grows, we have received a lot of great feedback and ideas. We tried our best to address and implement what our users want.

New features includes…

  • Layer based workflow for LightOn/Material pmodifier
  • Toggle Note panel
  • Treeview size adjustment
  • Streamlined multi preview display
  • RPManager converter
  • rsRenamer
  • Link to AnimationRange in FrameRange pmodifier
  • and more!

Click here to see all the awesome new features and improved features.

renderStacks 1.06

renderStacks 1.06 has been released with 6 new pmodifiers. With Royal Render support, now renderStacks is supporting 3 network renderfarm management solution out of box.

Other new features are

Also a few bugs has been squashed. Please check the ChangeLog.



Clarification about license

We got some questions about renderStacks license.
Here are answers.

  • renderStacks doesn’t requires render node license.
    It doesn’t even need to be installed on render node.
    When it submits render, all pass data is baked into the file.
  • The wording for non-commercial version was confusing.
    We just wanted to make sure it could be used in commercial setting when you evaluate or makings an internal short film. But, like all other non-commercial version, if the usage is directed towards commercial advantage or monetary compensation, you are not eligible for non-commercial license. For example, if your render is for promoting your product or project or if you use rederStacks to assist  a paid job in anyway, you need to have a license to use.

renderStacks has been released.

renderStacks has been released today.

What’s renderStacks? Click HERE.

We provide perpetual and subscription options. Please check Buy/Download page.

We also provide non-commercial version for free.
It is a full featured version without limitation.
As long as you don’t make money from your render, you can try in the studio environment, too.
We only provide the community support for non-commercial version in our Facebook group.

All documentations are also live. We put a lot of effort to have a comprehensive documentation from the start. Please read the manual!

We hope many users would find renderStacks useful.


rsPrvRender 1.05

A small update

  • Fixed crash while using VRayGPU
  • New Light category override
    If you enable this override, rsPrvRender will turn on display by category for Light while rendering preview. This is useful to prevent lights are not rendering when you set your renderer not to render hidden light,
  • Animation render support
    Now you can render animation with preview settings. rsPrvRender will use whatever the current setting in Render Setup dialog.