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renderStacks 2.36

renderStacks 2.36 has been released. It was 2.35 and had a small bug. 2.36 is the hot fix version.

  • Improved Image aspect ratio spinner in Resolution modifier

  • ImprovedAdded more Arnold option for rsPrv

  • Improved – Added Red as a new pass color. Only accessible via right click mnu 

  • Improved – Deadline “onComplete” property support

  • ImprovedTreeview node selection will be remembered when the dialog close/open within in the current session.
  • Improved If you select passgroup, all children passes of the passgroup will be used for preview/local render/submission,
  • ImprovedCleanup Deadline submission result message. If submission fails, it will print out the whole message from Deadline.
  • Fixed Pass set was not working.
  • Fixed Full Preview now will show overscan properly.

renderStacks 2.29

renderStacks 2.29 has been released.

  • Improved Now when you resize renderStacks, it will not restart itself. This also means you can resize while it is docked.
  • Improved – Various options that is related to renderStacks UI are moved under Preference menu for a better access and visibility.
  • ImprovedHolding ESC allows you to cancel the started local render or submission.
  • Improved XrefSceneVisible will also control “Disabled” while rendering. 3dsMax default behavior is that Visible is only for viewport. With this change,  you will get the render that matches to your viewport. If you have turn on IPR, renderStacks will stop/restart when it switches passes.
  • ImprovedrsRenamer now allows to pad numbers on existing object name. The option for number padding position also has been added.
  • ImprovedrenderStacks Mini Preview button now has the same right click menu as full size version.
  • Fixed – Selecting pass group was not working.

renderStacks 2.15

renderStacks 2.15 has been released.

renderStacks 2.08

renderStacks 2.08 has been released.

renderStacks 2 is here!

It has been a while since the last update of renderStacks. Now renderStacks is supporting a nested pass setup with the pmodifier on passgroup and instanced passes. It took a lot longer than we expected. But, I hope this would add another dimension to your workflow!

Here is a short video about the pmodifier on passgroup and instanced passes.

A new tutorial and documentation

Also don’t forget the changelog

Happy renderStacking!

renderStacks 1.246

renderStacks 1.246 has been released.

It is a small update. But, all new features are from user request.

  • Automatic layer localization for Scene Xref. Please read this page for details.
  • Delete Passgroup Tree 
    Now you can delete passgroup(s) with all their passes.
    SHIFT+Del or SHIFT+Remove Node button or right click menu.
  • Visibility Pmodifier Selection Set Rightclick menu. Click here for details.
    If a Visibility pmodifier is using SS(Selection as selection method) and a selection set is assigned, you will have a right click menu like the following image.
  • 1.239 caused renderStacks to crash while changing pmodifier name

renderStacks 1.243

renderStacks 1.243 has been released with 3dsMax 2022 support.

In the latest update to renderstacks, we were extremely excited to collaborate with the Blizzard Animation team at Blizzard Entertainment to develop the Tractor pmodifier that is now available for all renderStacks users.

Here is the list of new features. As always, all new features are driven by user request. For the detailed change log, please check the Change Log.

  • Tractor (Pixar’s network rendering solution) support
  • Now you can color pass(group) using right click menu or 1-9 short cut.
  • Search obj/prop name in the pmodifier list.
  • SHIFT support for multi selection for Layerset editor.
  • Single level expand/collapse.
    Holding SHIFT while expand/collapse limits the action for only one level. For example, if you have not expanded all pass groups, SHIFT+E will expand only groups and keep pmodifier collapsed.
  • A few more functions are added to the layerset editor right click menu
  • Preference > Network Submission Temp .msx File
    Now RoyalRender users can define their own temp .max file path for submission.

renderStacks 1.231

I’m sorry for the late announcement. renderStacks had been updated to 1.231 on 2/18/2021. It you have downloaded after 2/18,you probably already have 1.231. Also if you are have a commercial license, you already have gotten email. If you use NC version and are using older version, please download again.

  • RenderOutputVRay – file was not saved when “Separate Channels” option was used. It is fixed.
  • Some user reported right click menu is not working. This is fixed.

renderStacks 1.229

Apparently a lot of users are confused about the new RenderOutputVRay in renderStacks 1.222. To prevent the confusion. We added explicit “V-Ray saw image file” checkbox so you can turn off V-Ray raw image file output when you don’t use multi channel exr.

Also the documentation has been updated for RenderOutputVRay. Please read the documentation!

Also there is another changes. Please check Change Log for details and other changes.