renderStacks 2.57 has been released.
- !!! renderStacks supports only 3dsMax 2017.1+ from now on !!!
New – RenderEffects pmodifier
- New – Disabling the ::base pmodifier support.
Sometimes you want to disable all pmodifiers of a type for troubleshooting and such. Now you can disable pmodifiers in ::base. Then, all the same type pmodifiers in all passes will be disabled. -
New – Overscan warning for Alembic camera. If a pass uses an alembic camera, the warning will pop up when an alembic camera is used for the pass.
New – hotkeys
Move to top/bottom – Home/End
move selected nodes to top/bottom at the same level -
Arrow – expand/collapse/move up and down
left – collapse (previously it was E)
right – expand (previously it was W)
up – move up
down – move down
New – Treeview active status
When treeview is not in focus, the selected node color turns dark gray. This should prevent accidentally pressing the hotkey for enderStacks.