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renderStacks 2.29

renderStacks 2.29 has been released.

  • Improved Now when you resize renderStacks, it will not restart itself. This also means you can resize while it is docked.
  • Improved – Various options that is related to renderStacks UI are moved under Preference menu for a better access and visibility.
  • ImprovedHolding ESC allows you to cancel the started local render or submission.
  • Improved XrefSceneVisible will also control “Disabled” while rendering. 3dsMax default behavior is that Visible is only for viewport. With this change,  you will get the render that matches to your viewport. If you have turn on IPR, renderStacks will stop/restart when it switches passes.
  • ImprovedrsRenamer now allows to pad numbers on existing object name. The option for number padding position also has been added.
  • ImprovedrenderStacks Mini Preview button now has the same right click menu as full size version.
  • Fixed – Selecting pass group was not working.

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